About Landtrak Corporation
»Focus on high growth property markets driven by insatiable demand from the mining and gas industries across Australia
» Focus on quality; cutting edge technology; unique delivery system; affordable; eco friendly and sustainable properties
Competitive Advantage
Strategic Positioning
- Capitalising on high growth in Australian mining and gas industry
- Identify and secure land within 150km radius of strategic coal and gas projects
- Fully vertically integrated property business model
- Proven track record with top 5 ASX listed mining companies
- Unique delivery system to service insatiable accommodation demand
Management Team
- 20+ years in successful property development and sales
- 15+ years experience in banking and finance industry
- Highly qualified professional executive team
- Qualified Research & Development Management
Community & Government Relationships
- Well established relationships with local, state and federal government and local communities
- Extensive relationships with mining companies currently undertaking coal and gas projects
- Over 20+ year proven track record in understanding, servicing and delivering accommodation needs of communities
Technology & Materials
- Cutting edge technology in building and advanced materials
- Ecofriendly and ecosustainable properties
- Low cost, rapid delivery system and high quality (8 star) design
- Specialist in delivery to remote locations for mining and gas industries